Package org.echarts.servlet.sip

Provides classes that allow interworking between the SIP Servlet API (JSR 116) and the ECharts state-machine language.


Interface Summary
BoundBoxMachine Interface used to mark an ECharts Machine as one for a bound box.
BoxMachine Interface for top-level machines (those instantiated directly by a FeatureBox)
Converged Deprecated. JSR 116 no longer supported.
FreeBoxMachine Interface used to mark an ECharts Machine as one for a free box (unsupported).
Monitor Interface that must be implemented by any monitor used by ECharts for SIP Servlets.
OriginatingFeature Interface used to mark an ECharts Machine as one for use in originating region.
TerminatingFeature Interface used to mark an ECharts Machine as one for use in terminating region.

Class Summary
BareFormatter Formatter subclass that provides no additional information beyond what is in the raw log message.
BoxMachineRunner Class that advances a machine via port input.
BoxPort Port to which initial requests are passed.
Constants Constants shared by multiple classes.
ContainerAdapter Supplies default implementations of methods that may require container-specific handling.
EChartsMachineToJava Abstract class that can be subclassed for the purposes of defining an impelmentation of the interface from an ECharts for SIP Servlets machine to its external environment.
EChartsProxyServlet SipServlet that adds monitor capability.
EChartsProxyServletToJava Abstract class that can be subclassed for the purposes of providing an interface from an ECharts for SIP Servlets proxy to its external environment.
EChartsSipServlet SipServlet that provides a gateway to ECharts-defined application logic.
EChartsSipServletExceptionEvent Monitor event corresponding to a EChartsSipServletException.
EChartsSipServletMachine A subclass of org.echarts.TransitionMachine containing methods specific to ECharts for SIP Servlet.
EChartsSipServletMonitorFormatter Monitor formatter that can handle SIP message logging.
ExternalInputEvent Monitor event corresponding to a received (non-SIP) message.
FeatureBox A container for a Machine and a number of Port instances corresponding to a single application instance.
FeatureBoxCreatedEvent Monitor event corresponding to creation of a FeatureBox.
FeatureBoxDestroyedEvent Monitor event corresponding to destruction of a FeatureBox.
FeatureBoxExceptionEvent Monitor event corresponding to a FeatureBoxException
FeatureBoxMonitor Monitor corresponding to a FeatureBox.
FeatureBoxProperties Properties of a FeatureBox that will be passed to monitor.
FeatureBoxTerminationHandlerFSM Tear down all ports for the given box when any of these conditions occur: 1.
InviteDialogFSM FSM to track state of a INVITE dialog on a SipPort.
JavaToEChartsMachine Abstract class that can be subclassed for the purposes of providing an interface to an ECharts for SIP Servlets machine from its external environment.
LoggerMonitor Base class for particular monitor classes in the package.
NonSipPort Port on which non-SIP messages can be received (e.g., from an HttpServlet or JSP).
OpaqueFeatureBox Wrapper class for FeatureBox that exposes only a few public methods for accessing FeatureBox fields.
Port Base class for all ports in this package.
PortExceptionEvent Monitor event corresponding to a PortException
PortMonitor Monitor corresponding to a Port.
RemotePort Port that represents the remote peer of a SipPort, used in SipPortFSM
SipInputEvent Monitor event corresponding to message input on SipPort.
SipMessageEvent Monitor event corresponding to SIP message I/O.
SipOutputEvent Monitor event corresponding to message output on SipPort.
SipPort Port used for sending and receiving SIP messages.
SipPortBindEvent Monitor event corresponding to binding of SipServletMessage to a SipPort.
SipPortFSM FSM to track state of a SipPort.
SipPortTeardownFSM FSM to tear down a SipPort based on its PortState.
SipServletMessageHelper Formats SipServletMessage as an equivalent String.
SipToJava Abstract class that provides an interface from SIP Servlet logic to its external environment.
TransitionTimerManager This class provides a way for ECharts to manage timers in a SIP Servlet environment.
WlssContainerAdapter Provides WLSS-specific implementations, using proprietary API calls to lock call-state.

Enum Summary
PortState Class that represents state of a SipPort.

Exception Summary
EChartsSipServletException Exception corresponding to EChartsSipServlet
FeatureBoxException Exception raised by a FeatureBox
NoPortAssignedException Raised when a message (other than initial request) is received, and there is no port assigned to receive messages on the SipSession.
PortException Exception encountered by a Port.
SessionMismatchException Raised when a message created on one port/SipSession is sent on a different port.

Package org.echarts.servlet.sip Description

Provides classes that allow interworking between the SIP Servlet API (JSR 116) and the ECharts state-machine language.

Package Overview

This package provides a mechanism for creating JSR 116-compliant SIP Servlets that implement ECharts state machines. This allows an alternative programming model, oriented around boxes and ports, to that provided by the SIP Servlet API. The major classes are:

EChartsSipServlet does not need to be subclassed; instead its feature logic is specified by supplying a machineClassName parameter in the servlet application's deployment descriptor. Initial requests will create a new FeatureBox, which will use this parameter to determine which Machine subclass to instantiate. Subsequent messages will be dispatched to the appropriate port's input method.

The FeatureBox will create an instance of the programmer-supplied machine class. This Machine is responsible for creating any required ports, generally in its constructor.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: